Links to files associated with published and submitted articles

Files belonging to Talent Development article

submitted to Complexity

Ruud J.R. den Hartigh, Yannick Hill & Paul L.C. van Geert


1. Network Model Sport Specific with manual.xlsm

2. Figure 2-Ability Lv4.xlsx

3. Max Ability Average (1).xlsx

4. Figure 3-Federer prediction.xlsx

5. Figure 3-Williams prediction.xlsx

6. Figure 4-Crosby prediction.xlsx

7. Figure 4-Messi prediction.xlsx

8. Figure 5-tennis distributions.xlsx

9. Figure 5-golf distributions.xlsx

10. Figure 6-hockey distributions.xlsx

11. Figure 6-soccer distributions.xlsx


Click on the filename to download the file. All files are in Excel format





What Can Dynamic Systems Models of Development

Offer to the Study of Developmental Psychopathology?



Webmaterials of the submitted chapter, 2015


Coodination-Dissociation - Excel file: click here.

If the files do not open or work on your PC or Mac, please mail Paul van Geert,


A do-it-yourself kit for constructing flexible observation software to study social interactions: The OBOB program (Observing By means Of Buttons)

M.D.Boelhouwer, W.E. Kupers & P.L.C van Geert

University of Groningen


Webmaterials of the submitted article, 2015


Action-reaction - Excel file: click here.

Behavior pattern - Excel : click here.

Example 1: The fundamentals of OBOB - Excel file : click here.

Example 2: Make an OBOB-program yourself - Excel file: click here.

The OBOB-macro: click here.

Transition and Frequency Matrix - Excel file: click here

If the files do not open or work on your PC or Mac, please mail Dr. Marieke Boelhouwer, M.D.


Dynamic Modeling for Development and Education: From Concepts to Numbers

Webmaterials of the article to be published in MInd, Brain and Education, 2014


Figure 1: Excel file with a simple, random-walk model of changes in motivation: click here.

Figure 2: Excel file with a model of two connected growers, addition skill and motivation for addition tasks: click here.

Figure 3: Excel file with a model of dissociation and coordination in the context of psychosocial trauma, click here.

Figure 5: Excel files with models of the emergence of color preference in boys and girls. Model 1 is based on increasing sensitivity for gender-specific peeer influence, click here. Model 2 is based on children's perception and imitation of color choices made by same-sex peers, click here.

The models have been tested on 32-bit and 64-bit pc's, with Office 2010. They should also run on Mac's and newer versions of Office.


A dynamic developmental model of talent and excellence

Webmaterials of the article submitted to Psychological Review on January 22, 2013

Network Model 1 (Poptools)

Network Model 1 (Poptools) with Manual

Network Model 2

Network Model 2 with Manual

The Excel file with which you can run the simulations described in the article comes in 4 versions. 2 versions require the add-in for Excel called Poptools, which is freely downloadable from the website
Poptools, which uses a very good random number generator, has been used to run the simulations described in the article. Poptools is a 32-bit application, but it should also install on 64-bit computers (it shouldn't give any problem if you already have 32-bit applications installed on this computer).

Readers who do not want to install Poptools on their computers (although Poptools is a great and freely available statistical tool, including optimization routines and functions for random permutations) can use the versions that use the inbuilt randomization functions from Excel. These functions should provide good results if you're using a relatively recent the version of Excel.

The Poptools and non-Poptools version of the model come either with the Manual added, or without.
To start working with the model, it is best to open the version with the Manual added, and to 1st read the Manual which you can find under the worksheets with the colored tabs.

Note that the Excel file makes use of Visual Basic routines which contain the equations of the simulation model, and several other functions used to run the model or to calculate results. You must have Visual Basic for Applications installed in your version of Excel, but a standard PC installation of Excel also installs Visual Basic automatically.
To run the model, you must be able to run macros. Check your macro security settings (file/options/trust center/trust center settings/, then check the option disable all macros with notification. This means that if Excel wants to run a macro, it will ask for your permission to do so.

While opening the file enable all options (enable macros and content).
If you're asked to update links, click Continue. If the formula cells show an error message, click the keyboard button F9, which should recalculate all the values.

The worksheet Preparation of the Manual part of the Excel file describes all the preparatory steps in more detail).

Since the model is using a call to Visual Basic, it does not run on Mac computers.

If you want to check the code, you can do so by opening Visual Basic in the Excel from the Developer menu tab.

If you cannot use any of these files and the error messages remain, please email the 1st author at

Dissertation of Laura Ballato


Distinguishing and Improving Mouse Behavior in ASD and ADHD children

Baukje Veenstra, Paul van Geert and Bieuwe van der Meulen

A dynamic systems model of friendship and risk behavior in adolescence



Supporting Materials

Excel simulation model

See the dissertation for details    

A Dynamic Systems Model of Sexual Development

Marieke Boelhouwer, Paul van Geert




R.Renati, M. Boelhouwer ,
P.L.C. van Geert (2008), L'osservazione nel contesto classe.OBOB un
programma elettronico per osservare le interazioni, in D. Traficante,
M.A. Zanetti (a cura di), Osservare lo sviluppo. Aspetti teorici,
metodologici e applicativi. Unicopli, Milano, pp 109-133

Powerpoint presentation

Example 1, Example 2, Example 3


Transition Matrix 1, Transition Matrix 2


Dataset1, Dataset 2, Dataset 3

The Impact of Context on the Development of Aggressive Behavior in Special Elementary School Children

Marieke Visser, Saskia Kunnen and Paul van Geert



Transition to kindergarten:
 Changes in social networks
 and experiences of stress

 Raphaela Carrière, Matty van der Meulen, Paul van Geert

Web Materials



Dynamic Systems Model of Dyadic Interaction during Play of Two Children

A Dynamic Systems Approach to Dyadic Interaction in Children:
Emotional Expression, Action, Dyadic Play, and Sociometric Status

published in

European Journal of Developmental Psychology


submitted to Developmental Review April 2005

Steenbeek, H. and van Geert, P. (2005). A Dynamic Systems Model of Dyadic Interaction during Play of Two Children. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2 (2), 105 – 145.

Excel file of the simulation model (agent model) Excel file of the simulation model (coupled equations model)
Manual "Running the simulation Model"    
Program Code (Word file)    

Development of Theory-of-Mind


Dyadic interaction during play of two children. The empirical validation of a dynamic systems model

Various submitted articles, including norming and validation, and currently under revision

To be Submitted to Developmental Science


Excel file for the computation of confidence intervals (in Dutch)

  Excel file of the simulation model (agent model)

Explanation of the confidence interval principle (in Dutch)

  Manual "Running the simulation Model"
Validity and Norming of the TOM Storybooks (PDF file) Program Code (Word file)